Building A Bear (Example Blog Post for My Students)
In America, there is a wonderful place where you can make your own stuffed animal. My sister, Jennifer, and I went to Build-A-Bear Workshop.
That day, Build-A-Bear was selling a new pokemon stuffed animal. Its name is Sprigatito (ニャオハ Nyahoja in Japanese).
Then we went to get our Sprigatitos stuffed.
My sister and I enjoyed doing the “heart ceremony.” It is where you put a small, stuffed heart into your bear. At this build a bear, it goes:
Put it on your head so that it will be as smart as you,
Put it on your nose so it can smell,
Put it on your ear so it can hear,
Put it on your heart so it can love,
And give it a good kiss.
Then, you placed the heart inside.
After, my sister and I named our Sprigatitos. I named mine Mr.Cat.
Lastly, we took a picture to remember this day. I will remember spending this time with my sister!